Pajaro Compass Document and Appendices

The Pajaro Compass document memorializes an effort that engaged over 50 participants representing the natural resources, agriculture, and public agency spheres between June 2015 and June 2016. The group worked collaboratively and transparently to articulate collective values, goals and actions, and gain insight into how communication and cooperation could enhance their work. Through narrative, maps and other figures, the Pajaro Compass document advances understanding about the multiple benefits of the Pajaro River watershed focusing on six Pajaro Compass Conservation Goals: water resources, biodiversity, agriculture, carbon and soil health, recreation, and community. The appendices include detailed information on how the maps and spatial data were developed, and provide insight into the organizations that participated in the Pajaro Compass process.

Download the complete Pajaro Compass document including appendices.

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Download the Pajaro Compass document.

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Download Pajaro Compass Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, and Appendix D.

Appendix A PDF (166KB)
Appendix B PDF (159KB)
Appendix C PDF (843KB)
Appendix D PDF (644KB)